So, by this point you’re probably wondering why he’s in his underwear and it’s simple. I mean, I kind of pit them against each other in an arena battle, but that’s beside the point! That dead body will forever be there in his underwear with everyone walking over him like he doesn’t exist. Why can’t this be done? Seriously, there’s a dead body in my vault because one of the dwellers killed the other. With this DLC, I wish they would have added something to clean up the dead bodies and creatures that were just laying around the vault after I was finished clearing it out. Like all of the building and construction stuff in Fallout, it’s complicated and I could never set things up the way I wanted to. You really have to know the construction system of Fallout to be able to successfully play this DLC without wanting to throw your controller out the window. This DLC could have just been a hell of a lot more and just turned out to be blah. Like everything with Fallout construction, everything was just overly complicated to build and put together and took a little time getting used to hooking up each contraption to a power supply and a terminal to choose the experiments. After I finished the quests and got all of the trophies for the DLC, I seriously had no interested what so ever in continuing to build the vault even though I had become the new overseer. The story could have been a hell of a lot more interesting if it was more fleshed out instead of just a bunch of random fetch and build quests. If you do everything this DLC has to offer, you’ll be playing for at best two hours. After that you’ll conduct a few experiments on a very eager Clem as well as the rest of the vault dwellers. If not you’ll have to do some mundane things like interview some applicants to be the test subject who will ultimately be some guy named Clem. If you kick out the ghoul overseer, then the quests basically end. You can either partake in them or kick the overseer out from the beginning so the choice is yours. From there you’ll learn that this vault was setup for some experimentations. Once you’re in there you’ll unlock the workshop and then have to dig your way to the overseer.

Once you get there you’ll have to fight off some raiders and try to find the entrance to this vault.

Basically, the wanderer (you know, your character) gets a generic radio alert telling him/her to go to this vault that needs help. It was just there I guess, just to prove this wasn’t anther workshop DLC. This was really a bare bones type of story that came with this DLC. I was eager to play it when it was released this past Tuesday because who isn’t interested in building a vault? Keep reading to see what I thought about this DLC. DLC number 5 of 6 for Fallout 4, I know I missed a few inbetween, but I played this one on release because unlike the other “workshop” type DLC’s this one was actually supposed to have a story to it and some quests.