Sonic adventure 2 sound effects
Sonic adventure 2 sound effects

sonic adventure 2 sound effects

  • Final Rush has many different sound effects.
  • This was changed for the final, making it so you only have to dodge enemy projectiles.

    sonic adventure 2 sound effects

  • Various hazards were added around the last key in Pyramid Cave, making this part very difficult.
  • An additional ring was added toward the end of Rogue's driving stage to mark when the stage is supposed to end.
  • In the final, the cars tople over when you hit them instead.
  • For the driving stages, the cars have collision that cause you to recoil away from them.
  • There's an additional pully added around the area you acquire the air necklace in Aquatic Mine.
  • The missle part in Metal Harbor is more difficult in this prototype.
  • If you restart after dying on a treasure hunting stage, the emerald locations don't change.
  • The debug menu can be navigated using the analog stick.
  • Press START on Controller 3 while in a Chao Garden to bring up an extensive debug menu.
  • Press Y while the game is paused to display player coordinates.
  • Hold down X while the game is paused to display memory info.
  • There are some debugging features enabled in this build:.
  • sonic adventure 2 sound effects

    In the final, it only mentions the availability of a 'secret' stage, which is Green Hill Zone.

  • The message after collecting all 180 emblems in this build indicate that new 2P versus mode and action stages (plural) were meant to be unlocked at one point.
  • However, Green Hill Zone is present in the game and is playable.
  • While it's possible to get 180 emblems in the prototype, Green Hill Zone cannot be activated.
  • The tutorial menus are barely translated and are very broken.
  • All the DLC themes are included and enabled by default.
  • While the English translation is complete, there are various grammar/spelling mistakes throughout the script that still have yet to be corrected.
  • sonic adventure 2 sound effects

    It will load but it won't match the progress you made in the retail version.

  • The final retail release's saved game is not compatible with this prototype.
  • The sound effect cue during the opening cutscene before the title screen is slightly different.
  • This build contains all the content from the main game and hasn't been truncated for demo purposes.
  • Built almost a month before the final retail versions.

  • Sonic adventure 2 sound effects